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 precedence       Precedence of Expressions in C++
 Conversions      Usual Arithmetic Conversions
 .                Structure Member Operator
 ->               Indirect Structure Reference Operator
 ::               Scope Resolution Operator
 ++               Increment Operator (prefix and postfix)
 --               Decrement Operator (prefix and postfix)
 sizeof           Size of Variable or Type (unary)
 ~                Bitwise NOT Operator (unary)
 new              Try to Create Object by Allocating Heap Space
 delete           Delete Object's Memory Space on the Heap
 .*               Dereference Pointer to Class Member
 ->*              Dereference Pointer to Pointer to Class Member
 !                Logical NOT Operator (unary)
 &                Address (unary);        Bitwise AND (binary)
 *                Indirection (unary);    Multiplication (binary)
 /                Division Operator
 +                Identity (unary);       Addition (binary)
 -                Negation (unary);       Subtraction (binary)
 <<               Bitwise Shift Left
 >>               Bitwise Shift Right
 ==               Equality Operator
 !=               Inequality Operator (Not Equal)
 <                Less Than Operator
 >                Greater Than Operator
 <=               Less Than or Equal To Operator
 >=               Greater Than or Equal To
 ^                Bitwise Exclusive OR Operator (XOR)
 |                Bitwise OR Operator
 &&               Logical AND Operator
 ||               Logical OR Operator
 ? :              Conditional Operator (ternary)
 =                Assignment Operator
 op=              Compound Assignment Operator
 ,                Expression Evaluation
 %                Modulus Operator

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson